
Cooking lessons

A lesson involves the creation of a complete menu: first course of a pasta or fresh wholegrain dish, main course of meat or fish with accompanying vegetables, and dessert. Having chosen the ingredients, they are selected and purchased from local producers, or rigorously Tuscan and natural Italian suppliers.

Then we set up the work stations, with all the necessary utensils and additional ingredients: each participant has a separate station equipped with the basic tools, such as the cutting board, knife, rolling pin, apron and a book of the recipes to be prepared.

We begin with the preparation of sauces and fillings: each step is explained, through my instructions and questions from participants, and we work together, each person independently following the entire process. Great attention is paid to the collaboration, love and care taken to get the final result.

While the sauces and dressings are cooking, we proceed with the preparation of fresh pasta or dough: each participant works his own individual pasta or dough, while I take care to teach and help as needed.

Finally, we assemble the results of our work and proceed to the creation of the finished dish. We put together our individual creations in one great symphony of shapes and flavours! After the ritual preparation of the table, the guests enjoy some well-deserved relaxation. Their creations are served and we enjoy them together, after a traditional toast and my good wishes for their ‘buon appetito!’.

Lunches, dinners, Tuscan brunches and buffets

I provide this service directly in your home or wherever you are staying, as long as there is a basic kitchen.

Having agreed on the menu and ingredients, I purchase the freshest possible and then transform them, for the joy of your palates and hearts. Often in the kitchen there is a lot of talk about technique, and not the wonderful ingredients. I think that’s a shame. And I prefer to cook.

When I have a dinner to prepare and I start getting ready many hours before, I feel a change within me; a feeling of contentment. Cooking is like a spiritual rite, with my thoughts and my music.

Event Organization

  • Food and wine
  • Food and photography courses
  • Food and visual art
  • Food and music
  • Food and school
  • Food and flash mob

  • Food and cinema
  • Food and theater
  • Food and art
  • Food and street
  • Food and painting
  • Food and sculpture